Thursday, January 31, 2008

Found- little pleaure that slipped away

Of recent days I notice I begin to sing again. Perhaps with new found privacy (without a maid in the house), and having the music on whilst doing housework, I find myself singing at the staircase, imitating Sarah Brightman whilst my voice echoed the house.

I have always loved singing (sang in choirs) and used to sing in the privacy of my bathroom. I didn't notice my bathroom has been silent for a long long time. It didn't occur to me I have stopped singing in the bathroom for many many years. If I recall, the bathroom singing became less and less often since my ex company began restructuring, brought in the ang mohs and my immediate bosses came and went. I think my singing (choir and bathroom) came to a total halt when the company pursued overseas expansion.

I remembered when I was younger, I ever thought to myself if there is an after life and I can choose my life, I would want to be a professional singer in musicals. The happiness you get, hearing your voice reach those notes that make the song so beautiful, is a blessing.

I am now quite puzzled why I let the music just slipped out of my life for so many years. Didn't I know that even when I was stressed at work, music could have lifted me? Why is it that when you are stressed you become irrational and so deep into your problems, that you are just not able to detach and look at the bigger life picture, and you just can not form any music notes?

Since I resigned a number of people have asked me how much it takes to walk away from your job and try something new. For me, if my job takes away the little pleasures without me realising they have slipped away , it is time to think and prioritise. I guess every situation is a trade. I get so much money in exchange for this and that. I get less money but I get this and that. To each his or her own, there is no right or wrong. If your greatest joy is to have power and status, then slogging at work 24/7 has it purpose. And in doing so you shut yourself out from everything else, but you know for sure power and status is the all consuming want that will bring you the greatest joy on earth, then I think you will not fret at other sacrifices. Just know what you truly want!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog. Reminds me that there is life beyond the work, slog and stress... and also do some self-reflection.