Sunday, November 6, 2016

Beyond Utilitarian Values

Researches have found that senior citizens who feel they are no longer useful to anyone are 3 times more likely to die prematurely than those who feel otherwise. Is this a need for utilitarian acceptance or some form of selfish pride/self esteem?

Going into the future this problem may extend to the general population when AI and robotic automation brings about unprecedented job loss. It has been suggested that almost half of existing jobs are threatened to be displaced by 2025. It is this threat that has given rise to the idea of an universal income, a basic income for every resident in a country. It ensures everyone's basic needs are met without the negative carry of being on social security. However being without a job has far reaching consequences beyond just economic. There is  the loss of self respect and the emotional pain of not being needed by society.

Hence the values of society must also undergo a paradigm shift. There need to be new criteria for social acceptance beyond job status . In some ways the new generation are exhibiting some semblance of such change like the emergence of social enterprises. Social entrepreneurs are described as "individuals with innovative solutions to society's most pressing social problems." The millenials want real meaning beyond collecting things, homes and cars and they are creating new definitions to success and what constitutes a well lived life.

In a world where every one has a basic income and jobs have to be shared there will be more leisure time for the development of the human spirit. A person can now worry less about bread and butter and is freed to find work in area which really interests him. More people will engage in artistic pursuits, innovative ventures, learning and research. People will also have more time for social interaction. In short people can become more alive if you will.

 Even the unemployed need not suffer from economic uncertainties nor the emotional loss of self esteem.Utilitarian values and material success which inculcate competition and personal gain will no longer be the criteria for external approval. Social participation, self expression, self learning and creative innovations may be the new values replacing them.

I must reiterate the quote which I mentioned in a previous blog which says what the world needs is people who have come alive. Ask what makes you come alive and do that.

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