Saturday, July 7, 2012

放弃 vs 放下.

In class yesterday there was much discussion about letting go. When one lets go one is free from attachment to feelings and perception opening up one's mind to more wisdom and clarity. So 2 examples were quoted. One example is the expectation when bringing up a child. How often disappointment and unhappiness set in when the child falls short of such expectation. Another example quoted was when one is denied an expected promotion at work after having put in a lot of effort and commitment. We were told that hanging on to the disappointment just generate misery for ourselves.

I offered a comment. I told the teacher we have to draw a line. There are situations when we can't just let go. We need sometimes to put things on the right track or remedy an unfavourable situation.

The teacher replied that letting go does not mean throwing up your hands readily or giving up easily. She set us laughing when she mimicked a laid back person always citing "siu yuan 随缘 随缘" (let things take their own course). That is not what it means. She explained that if we are able to view ourselves including our thoughts and emotions in a reflective manner, we can gain more clarity and derive more wisdom in dealing with the situation. "What if wisdom is not forthcoming?" I asked half jokingly. The teacher explained that having done what we deemed best to rectify and the results are still not what we hope for, we will have to accept that the conditions are not ripe yet. Thus like the futility of banging your head against the wall, ruminating over the same thoughts or trapped in the same emotions, it is wise to Let Go.

After class one of my classmates thought what the teacher meant was the difference between 放弃 and 放下.

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