Sunday, March 30, 2008

They dare to be different- but I am apprehensive

One Big Irony. On the one hand I am having difficulty getting my clients at school to be interested in some school subjects or something other than computer games or TV etc; whilst on the other hand back home my son tells me he prefers philosophy to business in uni because he has passion for it. "Philosophy?? What will you be upon graduation???"

Both my children want to pursue their interest. So instead of the well trodden, well provened paths of doing say business, accountancy, engingeering in the local uni (which will write you a lifetime paycheck in Spore) they prefer liberal arts in US and UK, albeit renowned overseas. The money saved pursuing the well acknowledged local degrees could help pay for their first HDB flat giving them a good start by material standards.
Here I am writing whilst thinking. Why do I let them (or should I for the one intending to go) when I am apprehensive of their job prospects? You see I love to watch a lot of chinese historical epics. I am so impressed by how much emphasis and importance the emperors and officials placed in getting the best teachers for their children and how much the scholars revered their teachers. I, rightly or wrongly am influenced by this romantic notion of "learning" beyond just acquiring a vocational skill. I honestly feel it is money better spent than "already owning a fully paid HDB flat". I do not find many parents in Spore who agree with me. Hence I have to consistently convince myself my children will be better off; though not materially, will look back one day when they are old and be thankful for the experience and the learning that has enriched their lives. I hope they will not look back and say " Heck, should have used the money for a HDB flat instead " I hope the joy of learning and broadening their minds would be priceless and will launch them into some deeper appreciation of life.


KKL said...

Hi, hope you find this reassuring: According to psychologists in Standford University, there are 3 main factors that attribute to happiness. If you put them on a pie-chart, 50% is due to genetic disposition, 40% is intentional activities and remaining 10% is circumstantial. Circumstantial factor includes things like wealth, good look and health. Therefore, if the survey result is largely reliable, and, if my interpretation is correct, then,there is only 10% chance that your children will be happier having a HDB flat. Comparatively, there is 40% chance that they will feel blessed and happy that they have such open-minded parents to allow them to pursue their interest:-))

kneecold said...

i guess its easy for me to say since the money is not bleeding from MY pocket, but one amazing year of school alone is definitely enough to make up for a hdb flat. i think i've learned more in these 9mths than i have for the last 19 years. okay lar grandiloquent statements. haha wait till i get back to sg and no one wants to hire me (;

kneecold said...

btw, tons of graduating seniors had their job offers from bear stearns rescinded. poof. just like that. nothing really gives you a lifetime paycheck.