Saturday, October 29, 2022

A Sad World?

 David Brooke wrote an article "The rising tide of global sadness". In it he quoted statistics from the Gallup survey that shows negative emotions on a rise over the years hitting a record high last year among an annual 150,000 people surveyed across 14 countries. Another research group which analysed 150,000 pop songs released between 1965 and 2015 found the appearance of the word "love" in the Top 100 hits roughly halved while words like "hate" rose sharply. Brooks also concluded that even for countries that have become much richer people surveyed there do not seem to feel happier.

It is tough to feel happy really. I turn on the bedroom TV when I wake up every morning while washing up. The main topics featured other than breaking news include Ukraine War, Adverse Impact of Climate Change, Threats be it economic or territorial from US, China and Russia, Covid, rising cost, stock market tumble etc etc. The bad news never stops coming and one is made never to rule out the unimaginable from happening in this world. It seems like the world is topsy turvy and the leaders turned crazy. 

Perhaps the world always had various challenges over the centuries. Just that now we are so well informed by media, we are aware of all the woes in different parts of the globe in any single moment. A research suggests that almost half the UK population avoids the news.

Maybe I should stop the habit of tuning to news first thing in the morning. But isn't that some form of denial? Well maybe not, one doesn't have to be so well informed really.  I guess personal accounts of people in distress affect me most and I should try to avoid watching such coverage. As for impact of climate change, instead of thinking about what the future beholds it is better to resolve to do my part for the day. If I am fretting over the market turmoil, I must remember Warren Buffet calls it the ''market noise". I must also remind myself that all media love to sensationalize. Didn't every era see its fair share of mad or ruthless kings and leaders over past thousands of years, so what's new? Of course if the news for the day is really bad or distressing I should spend some time on activities to rebalance my negative world view, like reading the section on travels and entertainment in the newspaper, watching some funny video on pets and children, admiring my plants and paying attention to the birds' call in the garden. 

I should also always remember the phrase "Ten thousand joys and ten thousand sorrows". Acknowledging each as they come and go.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

What he loved and what he could do well


My aunty from Hong Kong just texted me the sad news of my uncle's passing away from cancer at 90. He was a designer and spent his retirement years engaging in artistic pursuits including painting, photography, making video, writing poetry and calligraphy.

In addition to the usual condolence messages I added in my simplistic Chinese:


My aunty replied:


Reflecting on her words I can recall how his eyes would sparkle when relating his passionate pursuits. He strikes me as someone who was fully engaged with whatever he was doing.

It must have been fiery passion that drove him to uproot from Singapore to pursue college education in China in the 1950s to realise his ideals that Communism was the best political system for mankind. Towards the end of the Cultural Revolution realising how the system had fallen short of his 'utopian dream' he managed to leave for Hong Kong setting up from scratch his design shop starting with logo and labels before moving on to bigger things.

When relating his life history however he spoke not of regrets but only of experiences. He strikes me as someone who looked forward all the time, took things in his stride and followed his heart to maximise life. 

On a telephone call when my aunty was describing his health condition detailing the physical care she was rendering, he chipped in to say cheekily 我有个好老婆

When I read my aunty's words "他很亨受生活,他說這一生都无憾了" a word crossed my mind -"Ikigai". 

The following is the definition:

'Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your ‘reason for being.’ ‘Iki’ in Japanese means ‘life,’ and ‘gai’ describes value or worth. Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss. It’s what brings you joy and inspires you to get out of bed every day'.

三叔 knew indeed what he loved and what he could do well.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

A Good Reminder


"Remember that in life you ought to behave as at a banquet. Suppose that something is carried round and is opposite to you. Stretch out your hand and take a portion with decency. Suppose that it passes by you do not detain it. Suppose that it is not yet come to you do not send your desire forward to you, but wait till it is opposite you"- Greek stoic philosopher Epictetus

I find this quote humorous and serves as a good reminder for moderation, avoidance of FOMO and anxiety/greed.